NIST - An overview of Risk Assessment using the NIST framework
Project Overview:
Learn about the NIST framework and the tools it provides risk management for cyber risk.
Youtube Link:
Cybersecurity Risk Management by Cynthia Brumfield and turning it into weekly teachable video material
Week 2 Deliverable:
I have posted a video presentation on Youtube going through:
- What is risk
- The purpose of risk assessment
- NIST Framework overview
- Purpose of NIST development
Initially I had wanted to do a report based on the summary of the textbook on NIST Framework. However, when I started reading, I realised that the easiest way would be to do it in a video form. I have asked some of my cohort to provide feedback on the video, as this would help me assess the teachability and improve the content for each week.
- Read and summarise the overview of what risk assessment and purpose of NIST Framework is about.
- Create and record video content
- Send it to my cohort for teaching and receive feedback.
Barriers I had this week:
- Trying to finish reading, understanding, summarising with enough time to record and make a video
- Video was too large to send, so I had to create a youtube channel to post it up.
- Asking cohort for feedback on video - many people have not returned any feedback.
Achievements I had this week:
Time management, level of understanding,
Next week's plan:
- Learn about User and Network Infrastructure Planning and Management
- Create video content and incorporating feedback received from previous week.
- Attempting to reach a larger space for feedback on video.